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jQuery('.mashnet_pinterest_header').fadeIn(500); jQuery('.mashnet_pinterest_inner').html(html); /* Close Pinterest popup*/ jQuery ('.mashnet_pinterest_close').click( function (e){ e.preventDefault(); jQuery ('.mashnet_pinterest_header').hide(); }); } /** * Load pinterest wrapper * * @returns voids */ function mashnet_load_pinterest_body() { var winWidth = window.innerWidth; var popupWidth = 350; var popupHeight = 310; /* Load Pinterest popup into body of page */ if (winWidth <= 330) var popupWidth = 310; if (winWidth > 400) var popupWidth = 390; if (winWidth > 500) var popupWidth = 490; var winTop = (window.innerHeight / 2) - (popupHeight / 2); var winLeft = (window.innerWidth / 2) - (popupWidth / 2); var struct = '
Pin it! \n\
\n\ '; jQuery('body').append(struct); } /* Get all images on site * * @return html * */ function mashnet_get_images(url){ var allImages = jQuery('img').not("[nopin='nopin']"); var html = ''; var url = ''; var largeImages = allImages.filter(function(){ return (jQuery(this).width() > 70) || (jQuery(this).height() > 70) }) for (i = 0; i < largeImages.length; i++){ html += '
  • '; } return html; } });